
The 21st Century Body Symposium

The 21st Century Body Symposium

Daryll Forde Seminar Room, Anthropology Department
14 Taviton Street, University College London
Bloomsbury Campus

Friday 18th May 2012

9am to 6pm, followed by a drinks reception

What does it mean to be human in the 21st Century? Are our perceptions of human identity being recast in the light of new scientific and technological developments? Are there, or should there be limits in what we can or should do to ourselves and our bodies?

This symposium will seek to offer answers to some of these questions and in so doing contribute to the conversation on modern conceptions of human identity and perspectives on the human body.

Topics for the day include: virtual identities; privacy, surveillance and authenticity; post–human bodies; cognitive enhancement; environment and society; fertility and reproduction; artificial intelligence systems; ICT implants and prosthetics; converging technologies; animal–human distinctions; genomics and genetic based therapies; neuroscience and neuropharmacology; nanomedicine and care of the ageing; freedom to age with dignity in ageing; ideas about scientific progress.

UPDATE (as of 16th May): The schedule and times for the symposium can be found here.

A PDF poster can be downloaded here.






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